RealVu’s patented Content Rendering Control (CRC) allows publishers to create viewable ad spaces both above and below the fold to increase view yield and response rates. Below the fold ad units, when scrolled into view, are more engaging than units above the fold. In fact studies show in view BTF units get 4X clicks and conversions. Publishers can now add more units below the fold without bringing down their agency “view rates.”
Scroll down this page to see RealVu call ads when the unit is in view. Watch the log on the right to see measurement in real time.
Scroll down and note that ads do not load until the ad space hits the visible area of the browser window.
Watch view time pause when you move an ad out of the visible area of the browser window.
Note that view time pauses when you minimize the browser, tab to open another browser, or open another application window.
Note that view time pauses when you restore your browser and move the browser window off of your display screen.